Rachael Jones
Layering Artistic Research: Working with People and Materials
Saturday, 5th June 2021
13:45-14:05 CET
My research project looks at the ways in which a connection to the landscape can be communicated through an engagement with material objects and recording devices. In turn, how audio-visual information and records produce knowledge, which can be interpreted into other artistic formats as iterations, supporting a layered and material approach to artistic collaboration.
This presentation will explore the complexities of participatory arts-based research, considering the dynamics and tensions between the position of the researcher as both artist and co-collaborator. In addition, the need for constraints when employing experimental strategies, and whether a balance between limitations and creativity can be achieved.

Short Vita

Rachael Jones is a filmmaker and postgraduate researcher based in Cornwall. Her practice employs experimental and collaborative arts-based strategies that disrupt traditional methods of documenting and recording, with a focus on materiality, place and the landscape. She is the recipient of a PhD practice-based research studentship at the 3D3 Centre for Doctoral Training and teaches experimental film at Falmouth University.
„My artistic research and filmmaking practice explores place through socially engaged experimental and interpretative strategies. I aim to make work that sits between disciplines, where knowledge is emergent and can be made visible through film as a document of process and engagement. I believe filmmaking should be an accessible and socially empowering tool for connecting ideas and creative expression.“
- JOHN OSBORNE: Last Brickmaker in Cornwall’s Clay Country (2021)
